Kontakta oss

Kundsupport är mycket viktigt för oss. Kontakta dig så strävar vi efter att återkomma till dig inom 24 arbetstimmar.



Vi hjälper gärna till med din fråga eller begäran.

Avbryt medlemskap

Avbryt medlemskap

Avbryt ditt abonnemang på 30 sekunder.

Våra vanligaste frågor och tips

Information, vanliga frågor och tips

Hur mycket kostar ett premiumkonto?

Hur mycket kostar ett premiumkonto?

Ett premiumkonto kostar endast 0 för en sju dagars provperiod. Efter detta förnyas ditt provkonto automatiskt för per månad. Du kan avbryta ditt abonnemang när som helst. Den är icke bindande.
Where are my Results? I still did not have them.

Where are my Results? I still did not have them.

To make sure your test results are as accurate as possible we use an algorithm to validate the test results.

There are 4 reasons why you did not yet receive your results:

  • Forgot to fill out the validation form.
    Our algorithm needs a minimum amount of personal information to make sure your tests results are as reliable as possible.Without them, we cannot show reliable results.
  • You did not fully finish the test.
    Please finish the test completely.
  • The email notifying you about the test results is in your spam folder.
    99% of our emails go to your inbox; unfortunately, some end up in your spam folder.Make sure you check your spam folder, as it could be the case that your results are already there.
  • In some rare instances, users are unable to sign in.
    The reason could be due to a cache (browser) issue, we advise you to copy the magic link and paste it into another browser.

If you did both, the system could take up to 2 hours to process.

You will receive an email once the results are ready to check out.

Remember that sometimes email reminders can turn up in your SPAM FOLDER.



If you wish to simply downgrade to our premium service, just take similar steps as to cancelling your subscription.

You will keep all benefits of our free services. And no prior premium actions get lost.



Even though deleting your account is possible, we recommend not to do so. As it will permanently remove and delete all information, taken tests results and exercise results from your account. Meaning all information gets lost.

Deleting your account is quite easy, just sign into your account by email and click at the bottom of your account (https://brainmanager.io/account). There the delete button lets you fully delete your account.

How to get in touch with us?

How to get in touch with us?

There are 2 ways to easily reach our support team.

  • Contact form
  • Email [email protected]

  • Do a self-diagnosis

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    Company BM

    Vitosha Blvd 66, floor 4, 1463 Sofia
